Thursday, December 6, 2012

Begging for a zombie apocalypse?

Look no further! Science is finding ways for it to become possible! After realizing how possible it can be from here, you might decide you don't want one. No amount of Black Ops 2: Nazi zombies, can help you prepare for this. Maybe they'll start researching for a cure too!

Zombie Anime

There actually aren't very many zombie animes much to my surprise. Zombie-oriented anime, however, is growing rapidly. The one that I have seen is called Highschool of the Dead. The anime centers around a group of high school students that try to survive a zombie apocalypse. This anime features a rule of zombies that I had not heard of: zombies can't see. It's interesting to see how they actually evolve and differ from media to media.

Sankarea is a strange anime based on zombies. A boy is obsessed with zombies to the point he wants to be with one in a relationship. A girl later turns into a zombie and he pursues her. Wow! That really is weird!

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead is a comedic film based on zombies. It takes a different approach than most zombie films because of its comedic elements. The zombies end up becoming tools of entertainment towards the uninfected.

Survivial Kit Anyone?


Are you afriad that you are not prepared, just go to amazon and buy yourself a zombie survival kit.

Zombie Survival Kit

Cartoon Movies

Movies such as Frankenweenie and Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride, are just friendly ways to show kids that zombies do exist........
Young Victor conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only to face unintended, sometimes monstrous, consequences.

Doomsday Preppers

This National Geographic Show featured an episode about a Zombie Apocalypse.

International zombie films

While the zombie film industry seems to be dominated by American films these days, these foreign zombie films are worth taking a look at.

The Beyond (1981): This Italian film depicts a young woman who unleashes hordes of bloody zombies from hell after a few strange events at a Louisiana hotel.

REC (2007): A journalist in Spain follows firefighters to a call. An old woman soon turns out to be a zombie. Soon, a virus spreads, and the journalist is trapped in a building with only her camera for company.

Juan of the Dead (2011): The zombie apocalypse happening in Cuba is dismissed by the government as rebels. Juan decides to make a business of killing zombies, but it puts him and his friends in danger.

Stacy (2001): This bizarre Japanese film involves young girls dropping dead, then resurrecting to attack the nearest person. There are several references to other zombie films within, including a zombie killing team named the "Romero Repeat-Kill Troops."